Business (Commerical) Law
If you own and operate a business, or are looking to start a business in the Mississauga or Oakville area, you need a competent business lawyer in Mississauga to help you.
Starting up and running a business can involve a large number of forms, contracts, and agreements, many of which offer fine print and legal jargon that can be hard to understand.
You know your business inside and out, and hiring a small business lawyer in Mississauga who knows theirs can help make the legal aspects of business start up and operation much simpler.
I have decades of experience as a business lawyer in Mississauga serving small business entrepreneurs.
I administer tens of millions of dollars of clients’ money each year, so your interests, and your money, are safe
I Can Help You With The Following:
- Preparing & registering Articles of Incorporation (including Professional Corporations)
- Preparing & registering Articles of Amendment
- Preparing & registering Articles of Amalgamation
- Drafting Shareholders’ Agreements
- Corporate restructures
- Working with your accountant
- Updating Minute Books
- Secondary Wills
- Estate freezes
- Buying or selling a business
- Letters of Intent/Non-Disclosure agreements
- Commercial real estate
- Independent Legal advice
- Commercial financing
- Preparing & registering Articles of Dissolution
To contact me, please call (905)823-1487